Thursday, January 26, 2012

Devotion #1: Flashlight

I was staying at my parent’s house and I wanted to read before bed but the lamp in my room didn’t work so I went to the kitchen and found a flashlight.  When I got to my room I turned the lights out and the flashlight on, and was instantly struck with the thought, “flashlights are creepy.”…and I stopped to think about why that is.

Flashlights are creepy because they only show you a little bit at a time.  They don’t show you the big picture, only what they are directly focused on, and the smaller the flashlight the scarier…and so is life.

We are scared of what tomorrow may bring because we hold a small flashlight and can’t see the big picture.  The unknown is scary.  This gives new meaning to “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.”  In a world where we don’t have the answers and can’t see the big picture wouldn’t you want to follow the guiding light of the One who does?


Dear Lord,
Please continue to teach me to trust in your guidance, and to stop being scared of the amount I can’t see.  Let me rest in the knowledge that You are faithful and that you “have a plan to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future.”

Give me the peace and patience to wait for your light before I walk, for fear that in my hast I may run ahead of it in the wrong direction and loose sight of it all together.
